Corporate Social Responsibilities


At Shahlon, we understand the importance of protecting the environment we operate in and being humble towards the planet and local communities is a key aspect of our culture.

From the beginning, we have focused on reducing our footprint on the planet, and three windmills help us significantly offset the electricity consumption of our units. We have also installed an Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) with the capacity to recycle 15 lakh litres of water every day, completely eliminating the discharge from water-jet weaving. Further, the incorporation of a zero liquid discharge dyeing process keeps pollution in check.

Other initiatives, such as the development of green zones in and around our units and offices, waste reduction and safe disposal, and compliance with environmental laws, all contribute in making us one of the few environmentally friendly textile enterprises in the country.


Our local communities fuel our growth, and we make ongoing contributions to their development. We are tightly involved with a social organisation called 'Oasis' for the upliftment of people in the rural areas surrounding our units, educating them through various workshops for youth, women and leaders of the village. We have also contributed to better education for students with special needs.

The group also acts as the chairman of ITI Umarpada, helping in effectively managing the institute. Through this, we provide technical education to students living in the nearby tribal area.


We continuously train our employees and contractors regarding their health and wellbeing, provide an extremely safe work environment. Further, we regularly organise blood donation and health checkup camps at our premises. We have also assisted in spreading cleanliness in nearby villages, support villagers in opening bank accounts, and regularly advise them regarding financial planning.